Hybrid Events –The BancAlliance Pro/Con List

Categories: Industry Knowledge

Hybrid events are the new normal in most industries, as a result of Covid-19’s impact on travel and large in-person meetings. Navigating a hybrid event can be tricky, and it is important to make the overall experience for both in-person and virtual attendees worthwhile. BancAlliance would like to share our list of lessons learned, gleaned from our experience hosting hybrid events using Zoom throughout 2021. Please share your own experiences in the comments!


●      Involve your audience

o  Utilize breakout rooms — this enables small group networking and better connections amongst participants

o  Encourage the use of the Q&A Feature – read questions aloud that are sent via Q&A

●      Use a video conferencing device to capture the in-person experience for your Zoom attendees

o  We have loved using our Owl Video Conferencing Device!

●      Consider time zones!

o  When scheduling events, be respectful to attendees that may be all over the country!

●      Use the registration feature

o  This generates a calendar invitation for Zoom attendees and provides the planner with a clear understanding of who is planning to join the meeting


●      Forget to check your Zoom account’s maximum participants

o   Exceeding attendance expectations is usually a good thing! Make sure you’re equipped to handle your estimated attendees by checking your plan.

●      Don’t forget to do a test round with speakers/panelists

o  Practice sessions are helpful for the planner and speakers to verify their audio and connectivity are working well

o  Test connectivity

●      Don’t unmute yourself unless you’re talking

o  Your phone may ring, and your dog will bark, so stay on mute to avoid disrupting the meeting

●      Get rattled by technical difficulties that arise during a meeting

o  This technology is wonderful but can be quirky at times. Stay calm and be prepared to troubleshoot!

What are some best practices that you’ve learned while attending or managing hybrid events? Let us know in the comments or send a note to info@bancalliance.com